Type I Error Rates Continuous by Continuous Interactions


  • Spotlight Analysis: Compare the mean of the dependent of the two groups (treatment and control) at every value (Simple Slopes Analysis)
  • Floodlight Analysis: is spotlight analysis on the whole range of the moderator (Johnson-Neyman intervals)

Other Resources:

  • BANOVAL : floodlight analysis on Bayesian ANOVA models

  • cSEM : doFloodlightAnalysis in SEM model

  • (Spiller et al. 2013)


  • Main effects (slopes): coefficients that do no involve interaction terms

  • Simple slope: when a continuous independent variable interact with a moderating variable, its slope at a particular level of the moderating variable

  • Simple effect: when a categorical independent variable interacts with a moderating variable, its effect at a particular level of the moderating variable.


\[ Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X + \beta_2 M + \beta_3 X \times M \]


  • \(\beta_0\) = intercept

  • \(\beta_1\) = simple effect (slope) of \(X\) (independent variable)

  • \(\beta_2\) = simple effect (slope) of \(M\) (moderating variable)

  • \(\beta_3\) = interaction of \(X\) and \(M\)

Three types of interactions:

  1. Continuous by continuous
  2. Continuous by categorical
  3. Categorical by categorical

emmeans package

Data set is from UCLA seminar where gender and prog are categorical

Continuous by continuous

                                  contcont                  <-                  lm                  (                  loss                  ~                  hours                  *                  effort,data=                  dat                  )                  summary                  (                  contcont                  )                  #>                                    #> Call:                  #> lm(formula = loss ~ hours * effort, data = dat)                  #>                                    #> Residuals:                  #>    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max                                    #> -29.52 -10.60  -1.78  11.13  34.51                                    #>                                    #> Coefficients:                  #>              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)                                    #> (Intercept)   7.79864   11.60362   0.672   0.5017                                    #> hours        -9.37568    5.66392  -1.655   0.0982 .                  #> effort       -0.08028    0.38465  -0.209   0.8347                                    #> hours:effort  0.39335    0.18750   2.098   0.0362 *                  #> ---                  #> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1                  #>                                    #> Residual standard error: 13.56 on 896 degrees of freedom                  #> Multiple R-squared:  0.07818,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.07509                                    #> F-statistic: 25.33 on 3 and 896 DF,  p-value: 9.826e-16                              

Simple slopes for a continuous by continuous model

Spotlight analysis (Aiken and West 2005): usually pick 3 values of moderating variable:

  • Mean Moderating Variable + \(\sigma \times\) (Moderating variable)

  • Mean Moderating Variable

  • Mean Moderating Variable - \(\sigma \times\) (Moderating variable)

                                  # specify list of points                  mylist                  <-                  list                  (effort=                  c                  (                  effbr,effr,effar                  )                  )                  # get the estimates                  emtrends                  (                  contcont,                  ~                  effort, var=                  "hours",at=                  mylist                  )                  #>  effort hours.trend    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL                  #>    24.5       0.261 1.352 896   -2.392     2.91                  #>    29.7       2.307 0.915 896    0.511     4.10                  #>    34.8       4.313 1.308 896    1.745     6.88                  #>                                    #> Confidence level used: 0.95                  # plot                  mylist                  <-                  list                  (hours=                  seq                  (                  0,4,by=                  0.4                  ),effort=                  c                  (                  effbr,effr,effar                  )                  )                  emmip                  (                  contcont,effort                  ~                  hours,at=                  mylist, CIs=                  TRUE                  )                              

                                  # statistical test for slope difference                  emtrends                  (                  contcont,                  pairwise                  ~                  effort, var=                  "hours",at=                  mylist, adjust=                  "none"                  )                  #> $emtrends                  #>  effort hours.trend    SE  df lower.CL upper.CL                  #>    24.5       0.261 1.352 896   -2.392     2.91                  #>    29.7       2.307 0.915 896    0.511     4.10                  #>    34.8       4.313 1.308 896    1.745     6.88                  #>                                    #> Results are averaged over the levels of: hours                                    #> Confidence level used: 0.95                                    #>                                    #> $contrasts                  #>  contrast    estimate    SE  df t.ratio p.value                  #>  24.5 - 29.7    -2.05 0.975 896  -2.098  0.0362                  #>  24.5 - 34.8    -4.05 1.931 896  -2.098  0.0362                  #>  29.7 - 34.8    -2.01 0.956 896  -2.098  0.0362                  #>                                    #> Results are averaged over the levels of: hours                              

The 3 p-values are the same as the interaction term.

For publication, we use

                                  library                  (                  ggplot2                  )                  # data                  (                  mylist                  <-                  list                  (hours=                  seq                  (                  0,4,by=                  0.4                  ),effort=                  c                  (                  effbr,effr,effar                  )                  )                  )                  #> $hours                  #>  [1] 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0                  #>                                    #> $effort                  #> [1] 24.5 29.7 34.8                  contcontdat                  <-                  emmip                  (                  contcont,effort                  ~                  hours,at=                  mylist, CIs=                  TRUE, plotit=                  FALSE                  )                  contcontdat                  $                  feffort                  <-                  factor                  (                  contcontdat                  $                  effort                  )                  levels                  (                  contcontdat                  $                  feffort                  )                  <-                  c                  (                  "low","med","high"                  )                  # plot                  p                  <-                  ggplot                  (data                  =                  contcontdat,                  aes                  (x                  =                  hours, y                  =                  yvar, color                  =                  feffort                  )                  )                  +                  geom_line                  (                  )                  p1                  <-                  p                  +                  geom_ribbon                  (                  aes                  (ymax=                  UCL, ymin=                  LCL, fill=                  feffort                  ), alpha=                  0.4                  )                  p1                  +                  labs                  (x=                  "Hours", y=                  "Weight Loss", color=                  "Effort", fill=                  "Effort"                  )                              

Continuous by categorical

                                  # use Female as basline                  dat                  $                  gender                  <-                  relevel                  (                  dat                  $                  gender, ref=                  "female"                  )                  contcat                  <-                  lm                  (                  loss                  ~                  hours                  *                  gender, data                  =                  dat                  )                  summary                  (                  contcat                  )                  #>                                    #> Call:                  #> lm(formula = loss ~ hours * gender, data = dat)                  #>                                    #> Residuals:                  #>     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max                                    #> -27.118 -11.350  -1.963  10.001  42.376                                    #>                                    #> Coefficients:                  #>                  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)                                    #> (Intercept)         3.335      2.731   1.221    0.222                                    #> hours               3.315      1.332   2.489    0.013 *                  #> gendermale          3.571      3.915   0.912    0.362                                    #> hours:gendermale   -1.724      1.898  -0.908    0.364                                    #> ---                  #> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1                  #>                                    #> Residual standard error: 14.06 on 896 degrees of freedom                  #> Multiple R-squared:  0.008433,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.005113                                    #> F-statistic:  2.54 on 3 and 896 DF,  p-value: 0.05523                              

Get simple slopes by each level of the categorical moderator

                                  emtrends                  (                  contcat,                  ~                  gender, var=                  "hours"                  )                  #>  gender hours.trend   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL                  #>  female        3.32 1.33 896    0.702     5.93                  #>  male          1.59 1.35 896   -1.063     4.25                  #>                                    #> Confidence level used: 0.95                  # test difference in slopes                  emtrends                  (                  contcat,                  pairwise                  ~                  gender, var=                  "hours"                  )                  # which is the same as the interaction term                  #> $emtrends                  #>  gender hours.trend   SE  df lower.CL upper.CL                  #>  female        3.32 1.33 896    0.702     5.93                  #>  male          1.59 1.35 896   -1.063     4.25                  #>                                    #> Confidence level used: 0.95                                    #>                                    #> $contrasts                  #>  contrast      estimate  SE  df t.ratio p.value                  #>  female - male     1.72 1.9 896   0.908  0.3639                              
                                  # plot                  (                  mylist                  <-                  list                  (hours=                  seq                  (                  0,4,by=                  0.4                  ),gender=                  c                  (                  "female","male"                  )                  )                  )                  #> $hours                  #>  [1] 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 3.6 4.0                  #>                                    #> $gender                  #> [1] "female" "male"                  emmip                  (                  contcat,                  gender                  ~                  hours, at=                  mylist,CIs=                  TRUE                  )                              

Categorical by categorical

                                  # relevel baseline                  dat                  $                  prog                  <-                  relevel                  (                  dat                  $                  prog, ref=                  "read"                  )                  dat                  $                  gender                  <-                  relevel                  (                  dat                  $                  gender, ref=                  "female"                  )                              
                                  catcat                  <-                  lm                  (                  loss                  ~                  gender                  *                  prog, data                  =                  dat                  )                  summary                  (                  catcat                  )                  #>                                    #> Call:                  #> lm(formula = loss ~ gender * prog, data = dat)                  #>                                    #> Residuals:                  #>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max                                    #> -19.1723  -4.1894  -0.0994   3.7506  27.6939                                    #>                                    #> Coefficients:                  #>                     Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)                                    #> (Intercept)          -3.6201     0.5322  -6.802 1.89e-11 ***                  #> gendermale           -0.3355     0.7527  -0.446    0.656                                    #> progjog               7.9088     0.7527  10.507  < 2e-16 ***                  #> progswim             32.7378     0.7527  43.494  < 2e-16 ***                  #> gendermale:progjog    7.8188     1.0645   7.345 4.63e-13 ***                  #> gendermale:progswim  -6.2599     1.0645  -5.881 5.77e-09 ***                  #> ---                  #> Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1                  #>                                    #> Residual standard error: 6.519 on 894 degrees of freedom                  #> Multiple R-squared:  0.7875, Adjusted R-squared:  0.7863                                    #> F-statistic: 662.5 on 5 and 894 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16                              

Simple effects

                                  emcatcat                  <-                  emmeans                  (                  catcat,                  ~                  gender                  *                  prog                  )                  # differences in predicted values                  contrast                  (                  emcatcat,                  "revpairwise", by                  =                  "prog", adjust                  =                  "bonferroni"                  )                  #> prog = read:                  #>  contrast      estimate    SE  df t.ratio p.value                  #>  male - female   -0.335 0.753 894  -0.446  0.6559                  #>                                    #> prog = jog:                  #>  contrast      estimate    SE  df t.ratio p.value                  #>  male - female    7.483 0.753 894   9.942  <.0001                  #>                                    #> prog = swim:                  #>  contrast      estimate    SE  df t.ratio p.value                  #>  male - female   -6.595 0.753 894  -8.762  <.0001                              


                                  emmip                  (                  catcat,                  prog                  ~                  gender,CIs=                  TRUE                  )                              

Bar graph

                                  catcatdat                  <-                  emmip                  (                  catcat,                  gender                  ~                  prog, CIs                  =                  TRUE, plotit                  =                  FALSE                  )                  p                  <-                  ggplot                  (data                  =                  catcatdat,                  aes                  (x                  =                  prog, y                  =                  yvar, fill                  =                  gender                  )                  )                  +                  geom_bar                  (stat                  =                  "identity", position                  =                  "dodge"                  )                  p1                  <-                  p                  +                  geom_errorbar                  (                  position                  =                  position_dodge                  (                  .9                  ),         width                  =                  .25,                  aes                  (ymax                  =                  UCL, ymin                  =                  LCL                  ),         alpha                  =                  0.3                  )                  p1                  +                  labs                  (x                  =                  "Program", y                  =                  "Weight Loss", fill                  =                  "Gender"                  )                              

probmod package

  • Not recommend: package has serious problem with subscript.
                              library                (                probemod                )                myModel                <-                lm                (                loss                ~                hours                *                gender, data                =                dat                %>%                select                (                loss,                hours,                gender                )                )                jnresults                <-                jn                (                myModel, dv=                'loss', iv=                'hours', mod=                'gender'                )                pickapoint                (                myModel, dv=                'loss', iv=                'hours', mod=                'gender', alpha=                .01                )                plot                (                jnresults                )                          

interactions package

  • Recommend

Continuous interaction

  • (at least one of the two variables is continuous)
Observations 50
Dependent variable Income
Type OLS linear regression
F(4,45) 10.65
Adj. R² 0.44
Est. S.E. t val. p
(Intercept) 1414.46 737.84 1.92 0.06
Illiteracy 753.07 385.90 1.95 0.06
Murder 130.60 44.67 2.92 0.01
HS Grad 40.76 10.92 3.73 0.00
Illiteracy:Murder -97.04 35.86 -2.71 0.01
Standard errors: OLS

For continuous moderator, the three values chosen are:

  • -1 SD above the mean

  • The mean

  • -1 SD below the mean

                                  interact_plot                  (                  fiti,               pred                  =                  Illiteracy,               modx                  =                  Murder,                  # centered = "none", # if you don't want the plot to mean-center                  # modx.values = "plus-minus", # exclude the mean value of the moderator                  # modx.values = "terciles" # split moderator's distribution into 3 groups                  plot.points                  =                  T,                  # overlay data                  point.shape                  =                  T,                  # different shape for differennt levels of the moderator                  jitter                  =                  0.1,                  # if two data points are on top one another, this moves them apart by little                  # other appearance option                  x.label                  =                  "X label",                y.label                  =                  "Y label",               main.title                  =                  "Title",               legend.main                  =                  "Legend Title",               colors                  =                  "blue",                  # include confidence band                  interval                  =                  TRUE,                int.width                  =                  0.9,                robust                  =                  TRUE                  # use robust SE                  )                              

To include weights from the regression inn the plot

                                  fiti                  <-                  lm                  (                  Income                  ~                  Illiteracy                  *                  Murder,            data                  =                  states,            weights                  =                  Population                  )                  interact_plot                  (                  fiti,               pred                  =                  Illiteracy,               modx                  =                  Murder,               plot.points                  =                  TRUE                  )                              

Partial Effect Plot

Observations 234
Dependent variable cty
Type OLS linear regression
F(16,217) 99.73
Adj. R² 0.87
Est. S.E. t val. p
(Intercept) -200.98 47.01 -4.28 0.00
year 0.12 0.02 5.03 0.00
cyl -1.86 0.28 -6.69 0.00
displ -3.56 0.66 -5.41 0.00
classcompact -2.60 0.93 -2.80 0.01
classmidsize -2.63 0.93 -2.82 0.01
classminivan -4.41 1.04 -4.24 0.00
classpickup -4.37 0.93 -4.68 0.00
classsubcompact -2.38 0.93 -2.56 0.01
classsuv -4.27 0.87 -4.92 0.00
fld 6.34 1.69 3.74 0.00
fle -4.57 1.66 -2.75 0.01
flp -1.92 1.59 -1.21 0.23
flr -0.79 1.57 -0.50 0.61
drvf 1.40 0.40 3.52 0.00
drvr 0.49 0.46 1.06 0.29
cyl:displ 0.36 0.08 4.56 0.00
Standard errors: OLS
                                  interact_plot                  (                  fitc,     pred                  =                  displ,     modx                  =                  cyl,     partial.residuals                  =                  TRUE,                  # the observed data is based on displ, cyl, and model error                  modx.values                  =                  c                  (                  4,                  5,                  6,                  8                  )                  )                              

Check linearity assumption in the model

Plot the lines based on the subsample (red line), and whole sample (black line)

                                  x_2                  <-                  runif                  (n                  =                  200, min                  =                  -                  3, max                  =                  3                  )                  w                  <-                  rbinom                  (n                  =                  200, size                  =                  1, prob                  =                  0.5                  )                  err                  <-                  rnorm                  (n                  =                  200, mean                  =                  0, sd                  =                  4                  )                  y_2                  <-                  2.5                  -                  x_2                  ^                  2                  -                  5                  *                  w                  +                  2                  *                  w                  *                  (                  x_2                  ^                  2                  )                  +                  err                  data_2                  <-                  as.data.frame                  (                  cbind                  (                  x_2,                  y_2,                  w                  )                  )                  model_2                  <-                  lm                  (                  y_2                  ~                  x_2                  *                  w, data                  =                  data_2                  )                  summ                  (                  model_2                  )                              
Observations 200
Dependent variable y_2
Type OLS linear regression
F(3,196) 1.36
Adj. R² 0.01
Est. S.E. t val. p
(Intercept) -0.21 0.45 -0.47 0.64
x_2 0.43 0.27 1.61 0.11
w 0.78 0.66 1.18 0.24
x_2:w -0.52 0.39 -1.35 0.18
Standard errors: OLS
                                  interact_plot                  (                  model_2,     pred                  =                  x_2,     modx                  =                  w,     linearity.check                  =                  TRUE,      plot.points                  =                  TRUE                  )                              

Simple Slopes Analysis

  • continuous by continuous variable interaction (still work for binary)

  • conditional slope of the variable of interest (i.e., the slope of \(X\) when we hold \(M\) constant at a value)

Using sim_slopes it will

  • mean-center all variables except the variable of interest

  • For moderator that is

    • Continuous, it will pick mean, and plus/minus 1 SD

    • Categorical, it will use all factor

sim_slopes requires

  • A regression model with an interaction term)

  • Variable of interest (pred =)

  • Moderator: (modx =)

                                      sim_slopes                    (                    fiti,            pred                    =                    Illiteracy,            modx                    =                    Murder,            johnson_neyman                    =                    FALSE                    )                    #> SIMPLE SLOPES ANALYSIS                                        #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder =  5.420973 (- 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>     Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> -------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -71.59   268.65    -0.27   0.79                    #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder =  8.685043 (Mean):                                        #>                                        #>      Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> --------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -437.12   175.82    -2.49   0.02                    #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder = 11.949113 (+ 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>      Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> --------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -802.66   145.72    -5.51   0.00                    # plot the coefficients                    ss                    <-                    sim_slopes                    (                    fiti,                  pred                    =                    Illiteracy,                  modx                    =                    Murder,                  modx.values                    =                    c                    (                    0,                    5,                    10                    )                    )                    plot                    (                    ss                    )                                  

Table 15.1:
Value of Murder Slope of Illiteracy
Value of Murder slope
0.00 535.50 (458.77)
5.00 -24.44 (282.48)
10.00 -584.38 (152.37)***

Johnson-Neyman intervals

To know all the values of the moderator for which the slope of the variable of interest will be statistically significant, we can use the Johnson-Neyman interval (P. O. Johnson and Neyman 1936)

Even though we kind of know that the alpha level when implementing the Johnson-Neyman interval is not correct (Bauer and Curran 2005), not until recently that there is a correction for the type I and II errors (Esarey and Sumner 2017).

Since Johnson-Neyman inflates the type I error (comparisons across all values of the moderator)

                                      sim_slopes                    (                    fiti,            pred                    =                    Illiteracy,            modx                    =                    Murder,            johnson_neyman                    =                    TRUE,            control.fdr                    =                    TRUE,                    # correction for type I and II                    # cond.int = TRUE, # include conditional intecepts                    robust                    =                    "HC3",                    # rubust SE                    # centered = "none", # don't mean-centered non-focal variables                    jnalpha                    =                    0.05                    )                    #> JOHNSON-NEYMAN INTERVAL                                        #>                                        #> When Murder is OUTSIDE the interval [-11.70, 8.75], the slope of Illiteracy                    #> is p < .05.                    #>                                        #> Note: The range of observed values of Murder is [1.40, 15.10]                    #>                                        #> Interval calculated using false discovery rate adjusted t = 2.33                                        #>                                        #> SIMPLE SLOPES ANALYSIS                                        #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder =  5.420973 (- 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>     Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> -------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -71.59   256.60    -0.28   0.78                    #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder =  8.685043 (Mean):                                        #>                                        #>      Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> --------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -437.12   191.07    -2.29   0.03                    #>                                        #> Slope of Illiteracy when Murder = 11.949113 (+ 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>      Est.     S.E.   t val.      p                    #> --------- -------- -------- ------                    #>   -802.66   178.75    -4.49   0.00                                  

For plotting, we can use johnson_neyman

                                      johnson_neyman                    (                    fiti,                pred                    =                    Illiteracy,                modx                    =                    Murder,                control.fdr                    =                    TRUE,                    # correction for type I and II                    alpha                    =                    .05                    )                    #> JOHNSON-NEYMAN INTERVAL                                        #>                                        #> When Murder is OUTSIDE the interval [-22.57, 8.52], the slope of Illiteracy                    #> is p < .05.                    #>                                        #> Note: The range of observed values of Murder is [1.40, 15.10]                    #>                                        #> Interval calculated using false discovery rate adjusted t = 2.33                                  


  • y-axis is the conditional slope of the variable of interest

3-way interaction

                                      # fita3 <-                    #     lm(rating ~ privileges * critical * learning, data = attitude)                    #                                        # probe_interaction(                    #     fita3,                    #     pred = critical,                    #     modx = learning,                    #     mod2 = privileges,                    #     alpha = .1                    # )                    mtcars                    $                    cyl                    <-                    factor                    (                    mtcars                    $                    cyl,                      labels                    =                    c                    (                    "4 cylinder",                    "6 cylinder",                    "8 cylinder"                    )                    )                    fitc3                    <-                    lm                    (                    mpg                    ~                    hp                    *                    wt                    *                    cyl, data                    =                    mtcars                    )                    interact_plot                    (                    fitc3,               pred                    =                    hp,               modx                    =                    wt,               mod2                    =                    cyl                    )                    +                    theme_apa                    (legend.pos                    =                    "bottomright"                    )                                  

Johnson-Neyman 3-way interaction

                                      library                    (                    survey                    )                    data                    (                    api                    )                    dstrat                    <-                    svydesign                    (                    id                    =                    ~                    1,     strata                    =                    ~                    stype,     weights                    =                    ~                    pw,     data                    =                    apistrat,     fpc                    =                    ~                    fpc                    )                    regmodel3                    <-                    survey                    ::                    svyglm                    (                    api00                    ~                    avg.ed                    *                    growth                    *                    enroll, design                    =                    dstrat                    )                    sim_slopes                    (                    regmodel3,     pred                    =                    growth,     modx                    =                    avg.ed,     mod2                    =                    enroll,     jnplot                    =                    TRUE                    )                    #> ############### While enroll (2nd moderator) =  153.0518 (- 1 SD) ##############                                        #>                                        #> JOHNSON-NEYMAN INTERVAL                                        #>                                        #> When avg.ed is OUTSIDE the interval [2.75, 3.82], the slope of growth is p                    #> < .05.                    #>                                        #> Note: The range of observed values of avg.ed is [1.38, 4.44]                    #>                                        #> SIMPLE SLOPES ANALYSIS                                        #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.085002 (- 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   1.25   0.32     3.86   0.00                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.787381 (Mean):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.39   0.22     1.75   0.08                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 3.489761 (+ 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>    Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------- ------ -------- ------                    #>   -0.48   0.35    -1.37   0.17                    #>                                        #> ################ While enroll (2nd moderator) =  595.2821 (Mean) ###############                                        #>                                        #> JOHNSON-NEYMAN INTERVAL                                        #>                                        #> When avg.ed is OUTSIDE the interval [2.84, 7.83], the slope of growth is p                    #> < .05.                    #>                                        #> Note: The range of observed values of avg.ed is [1.38, 4.44]                    #>                                        #> SIMPLE SLOPES ANALYSIS                                        #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.085002 (- 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.72   0.22     3.29   0.00                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.787381 (Mean):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.34   0.16     2.16   0.03                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 3.489761 (+ 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>    Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------- ------ -------- ------                    #>   -0.04   0.24    -0.16   0.87                    #>                                        #> ############### While enroll (2nd moderator) = 1037.5125 (+ 1 SD) ##############                                        #>                                        #> JOHNSON-NEYMAN INTERVAL                                        #>                                        #> The Johnson-Neyman interval could not be found. Is the p value for your                    #> interaction term below the specified alpha?                    #>                                        #> SIMPLE SLOPES ANALYSIS                                        #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.085002 (- 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.18   0.31     0.58   0.56                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 2.787381 (Mean):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.29   0.20     1.49   0.14                    #>                                        #> Slope of growth when avg.ed = 3.489761 (+ 1 SD):                                        #>                                        #>   Est.   S.E.   t val.      p                    #> ------ ------ -------- ------                    #>   0.40   0.27     1.49   0.14                                  


                                      ss3                    <-                    sim_slopes                    (                    regmodel3,                pred                    =                    growth,                modx                    =                    avg.ed,                mod2                    =                    enroll                    )                    plot                    (                    ss3                    )                                  

Table 15.2:
enroll = 153
Value of avg.ed Slope of growth
Value of avg.ed slope
2.09 1.25 (0.32)***
2.79 0.39 (0.22)#
enroll = 595.28
Value of avg.ed Slope of growth
3.49 -0.48 (0.35)
2.09 0.72 (0.22)**
2.79 0.34 (0.16)*
enroll = 1037.51
Value of avg.ed Slope of growth
3.49 -0.04 (0.24)
2.09 0.18 (0.31)
2.79 0.29 (0.20)
3.49 0.40 (0.27)

Categorical interaction

                                  library                  (                  ggplot2                  )                  mpg2                  <-                  mpg                  %>%                  mutate                  (cyl                  =                  factor                  (                  cyl                  )                  )                  mpg2                  [                  "auto"                  ]                  <-                  "auto"                  mpg2                  $                  auto                  [                  mpg2                  $                  trans                  %in%                  c                  (                  "manual(m5)",                  "manual(m6)"                  )                  ]                  <-                  "manual"                  mpg2                  $                  auto                  <-                  factor                  (                  mpg2                  $                  auto                  )                  mpg2                  [                  "fwd"                  ]                  <-                  "2wd"                  mpg2                  $                  fwd                  [                  mpg2                  $                  drv                  ==                  "4"                  ]                  <-                  "4wd"                  mpg2                  $                  fwd                  <-                  factor                  (                  mpg2                  $                  fwd                  )                  ## Drop the two cars with 5 cylinders (rest are 4, 6, or 8)                  mpg2                  <-                  mpg2                  [                  mpg2                  $                  cyl                  !=                  "5",]                  ## Fit the model                  fit3                  <-                  lm                  (                  cty                  ~                  cyl                  *                  fwd                  *                  auto, data                  =                  mpg2                  )                  library                  (                  jtools                  )                  # for summ()                  summ                  (                  fit3                  )                              
Observations 230
Dependent variable cty
Type OLS linear regression
F(11,218) 61.37
Adj. R² 0.74
Est. S.E. t val. p
(Intercept) 21.37 0.39 54.19 0.00
cyl6 -4.37 0.54 -8.07 0.00
cyl8 -8.37 0.67 -12.51 0.00
fwd4wd -2.91 0.76 -3.83 0.00
automanual 1.45 0.57 2.56 0.01
cyl6:fwd4wd 0.59 0.96 0.62 0.54
cyl8:fwd4wd 2.13 0.99 2.15 0.03
cyl6:automanual -0.76 0.90 -0.84 0.40
cyl8:automanual 0.71 1.18 0.60 0.55
fwd4wd:automanual -1.66 1.07 -1.56 0.12
cyl6:fwd4wd:automanual 1.29 1.52 0.85 0.40
cyl8:fwd4wd:automanual -1.39 1.76 -0.79 0.43
Standard errors: OLS
                                  cat_plot                  (                  fit3,          pred                  =                  cyl,          modx                  =                  fwd,          plot.points                  =                  T                  )                              

                                  #line plots                  cat_plot                  (                  fit3,     pred                  =                  cyl,     modx                  =                  fwd,     geom                  =                  "line",     point.shape                  =                  TRUE,                  # colors = "Set2", # choose color                  vary.lty                  =                  TRUE                  )                              

                                  # bar plot                  cat_plot                  (                  fit3,     pred                  =                  cyl,     modx                  =                  fwd,     geom                  =                  "bar",     interval                  =                  T,     plot.points                  =                  TRUE                  )                              

interactionR package

  • For publication purposes
  • Following
    • (Knol and VanderWeele 2012) for presentation

    • (Hosmer and Lemeshow 1992) for confidence intervals based on the delta method

    • (Zou 2008) for variance recovery "mover" method

    • (Longnecker et al. 1996) for bootstrapping

sjPlot package

  • For publication purposes (recommend, but more advanced)

  • link


Source: https://bookdown.org/mike/data_analysis/moderation.html

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